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Project Prevent: Ripple Effects
In Crisis? Text KY to 741741 Free, Private, 24/7 Support
Rated for grades 6 and up
Ripple Effects Teens
Screen for Strengths
Resiliency screening tool
Ripple Effects Staff
Educator Resource
Breathitt County High School
Click on an icon to access that program
Data Manager
Intervention reports start with summary levels then drill down to the granular. Dosage records enable implementers to monitor compliance and track student progress; they provide administrators documentation to meet legal and funding requirements.
The programs may work on other browsers, but they work best with Chrome
Planning & Assessment
Provides multiple lenses for assessing social-emotional and behavioral strengths and non-academic barriers to learning.
Tools include: easy-to-use templates for developing individual MTSS/CEIS/RTI and school-wide implementation plans, and an app for noting positive behavior.
For use of these programs on an Ipad, you must download the program from the App Store.
Upon entering the program you will be asked for the following activation code:
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