Project Prevent: Ripple Effects
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As part of our Project Prevent funding, one of our goals is increased School Engagement score. This is measured and reported by EDSCLS School Climate Survey each year.
This valuable tool offers insight not only for Engagement but Safety and Environment as well, giving your students and staff an anonymous voice to share their experiences in the areas outlined to the right.
Designed for students 5th -12th and staff, this survey takes approximately 25 minutes to complete. Each school will have a survey window of at least 2 weeks to complete it. Any student who falls within Special Education Alternate Assessment guidelines is exempt from this survey.
Important Things to Remember:
We have an 80% completion goal for the survey, so please provide as accurate a count as possible. Estimations may skew the goal results. Any student approved for Alternate Assessment is exempt, so please do not include them in the student count you provide for generating your usernames.
Your school will have a minimum of two weeks to complete the survey, it will be closely monitored and adjusted if it appears as if you need more time.
Although a small step this is an extremely important component of our grant to stay in compliance and ensure future funding, please make every effort to achieve the completion goal.
Schools must provide Informed Consent Forms to Parents/Guardians. If a parent or guardian does not wish for the student to take the survey, they are to return the Informed Consent Form.
Please click here to access the Informed Consent Form which can be edited to include your school information.
This survey should be proctored, click here for the proctor script and signature sheet.